Company Pool bw-i Nanjing
  • No matter how you want to do business in a rapidly developing market like China, local presence, the closeness to customers and suppliers are almost indispensable prerequisites for long-term success. However, this is often infeasible for small and medium-sized enterprises for organizational, personal or financial reasons: A size-related competitive disadvantage! Being a member of the Company Pool is an excellent way of compensating for this disadvantage, especially because the service of bw-i Company Pool is specifically aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises. Each company can have its own Chinese representative in the Company Pool. The advantage of the Company Pool lies in its shared and hence inexpensive utilization of office area and the entire infrastructure, such as desk and accompanying technical equipment for the basic supply of each representative in the Company Pool. Furthermore, we offer a fully equipped conference room as well as a pleasant atmosphere and plenty of space for the realization of your individual company strategy. Your company pool representative will be responsible for your projects and the areas of responsibility assigned by you and implement them in cooperation with you on site.
  • The settlement of the Company Pool fee as well as third-party costs (for business trips, etc.) are made monthly directly through bw-i Nanjing.

Company Pool Manager

Yan Huang


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版权所有: 巴符州经济与科技合作(南京)有限公司