Our Chief Representative was invited to participate in the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum

The 2024 Zhongguancun Forum (ZGC Forum) kicked off on April 25, 2024 in Beijing and focused on cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, space science, life and health, carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, new materials and digital intelligent manufacturing during the five-day session. Themed “Innovating for a Better World,” this year’s annual conference of the forum comprises five major sections, including meetings and technology trading. It promotes the exchange of brilliant ideas in 6G, blockchains, and other frontier areas at nearly 120 events.

Mr. Henning Vogelsang, the chief representative of the state of Baden-Württemberg in China, was invited by ZGC Innovation Center @ Germany to participate in this forum and attended the China-Germany-Finland Digital Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Innovation Cooperation Session – China-Germany International Innovation Cooperation Dialogue, which was held on April 28. Prof. Bertram Lohmueller, Director of Steinbeis Global Institute, Dean of Steinbeis Transfer Institute of Technology, Baden-Württemberg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schimpf, Managing Director of Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research and Mr. Guodong FAN, Representative of Electronics and Manufacturing Technology of Fraunhofer Association for the Promotion of Applied Research (Beijing) also participated in this forum and cooperation session. During the dialogue, Mr. Vogelsang mentioned that the economic ties between Germany and China are very close, and as both are major manufacturing powers, there is a vast potential for cooperation in the field of advanced manufacturing. Baden-Württemberg is very optimistic about the development of green technology, and we look forward to cooperating with China in the fields of green technology and sustainable development.

(Source of the picture:ZGC Forum)

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