CHIRON Group opens new facility in Taicang

CHIRON Group opened a future factory in Taicang, Jiangsu province on May 28, 2019. The new facility covers an area of 36,000 square meters.

The origin and home of the CHIRON works is Tuttlingen, in the southern technology region of Germany’s state of Baden-Württemberg. In this high-tech environment, technologically sophisticated CNC machine tools and TURNKEY solutions are created in the CHIRON Werke in Tuttlingen – “Made in Germany”.

The Deputy director of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission- Zhao Jianjun, Consul-general of Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai – Dr. Christine D. Althauser, Taicang Vice Secretary of Municipal party committee, Taicang Mayor- Wang Jianguo, Standing Committee Member of CPC, Secretary of the Party & Labour Union of New & Hi-Tech Zone – Wang Hongxing attend this event. Our Chief Representative Bernhard Weber was also invited to participate in this opening ceremony.

Picture source:CHIRON Group

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